Sunday, February 27, 2022


I have been feeling for a while that the kids needed to be involved in extra-curricular activities. Not necessarily because I wanted to drive them to stuff, but because I want them to be well-rounded children who learn new skills and discover hobbies and activities that bring them joy. Luca chose swim lessons and Dude chose Chess Club. I signed Luca up for more swim lessons at a local gym and Dude up for an online chess club. It seemed to be going well until it wasn't. 

Luca's swim director opted to change the policy to not allow children in the pool unless they were actively working with the teacher which meant being cold and wet on the side of the pool for the better part of an hour. Since we were only there for fun, because she already can swim and not die, and because it stopped being fun, we pulled her out. Luca's second option was cooking club. Once a week she and I spend time together making whatever she wants. So far we have made caramels, chocolate pudding dirt cups, and marshmallows. I am kind of loving it, especially since I find I can be a lot more patient helping her with her cooking schemes than I am with her helping me with mine.

Dude liked the idea of his chess club, but when he spent most of the time playing chess with online robots instead of the other kids in the group and was miserable the entire time, I couldn't see the point in paying for my child to do something he could really do for free at his own leisure. So I let him quit. Now he and Matthew have agreed to do their own chess club together.

I kind of love it and I kind of think that this was what Heavenly Father intended for our family this whole time. I personally love that we aren't ruled by a schedule. I love that the kids have loads of unstructured play time. It's what they want and what I want for them, truth be told. But I also love that they are learning new skills while building meaningful relationships with the people on this earth who love them most.

I'm not saying that extra-curriculars are inherently evil or we are better or even more lazy because we have chosen this route for this time in our life, but I do feel strongly that for our family right now, these are the extra-curriculars we are meant to have with our children.

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