Sunday, February 20, 2022

Matthew Visits His Parents

My darling Mother-in-Law has cancer. All last summer and into the fall she was in the depths of chemotherapy. After successful chemo and a successful surgery in December her oncologist decided to continue with a 4-week radiation regimen. Independently, both Matthew and I felt he should go over and spend a couple weeks with his parents helping where he could and taking her to her daily appointments on the other side of the island. He booked his flight and flew out. For Matthew I think the trip was a success. He missed us, of course, but was grateful to have one-on-one time with either of his parents (something he really hasn't had since he was 3-years old.) He took walks on the beach with his mom, went for bike rides with his dad, and worked in the morning while everyone was asleep. So thankful for a job that enables him the flexibility to work remotely.

As for the kids and me, we did great, for the first week and a half. Heavenly Father managed to fill my schedule with enough to keep me so busy that I didn't have time to miss my dear one. But by Wednesday of the second week, it was a different story. I went on a 10 mile walk that day and was tired, was emotional with PMS, and just all around ready to have my husband back. After dinner that night I went to lie down before packing everyone up to head to the youth activity (one I couldn't get out of). An hour later when I emerged, the kids had put dinner away, cleaned the kitchen and had gone upstairs to play nicely until it was time to leave. At the activity they sat on the stage playing on their tablet and otherwise being perfect angels the entire time. I was overcome with gratitude for these beautiful blessings of mine. So grateful that I picked them up from school the next day and took them to Jamba Juice and offered to cuddle with a movie after we tidied the upstairs. But when we got home, I couldn't bring myself to do anything but be a snuggly vegetable with my babies. I'm pretty sure in that instance we chose the better part. We survived two weeks without dad. Then was not the time to be productive. That was Friday's job. 

Friday (since the kids didn't have school), we cleaned the whole house until it practically shined with joy. The kids had a belated-valentine's day party with some friends and then, when we were ready, we headed up to Portland for dinner and the hotel where we would be spending the night. Matthew got back at midnight so instead of getting him and going home we opted to stay in a hotel next to the airport and make it a grand family adventure. Which it was, until it was time to sleep. Then everyone was Goldilocks mixed with the Pea Princess and no one slept very well.

Saturday we were mostly tired and cranky, but Sunday was a beautiful day reveling in being a whole family again. We are grateful Matthew was able to serve, and we are grateful for the tender mercies while he was gone. We are also grateful to be a foursome once again.

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