Sunday, April 3, 2022

Life Training

A few weeks ago while we were visiting Matthew's grandparents it struck me just how short of a time of my life I have my children at home with me. Only another few years until they are out in the world. A few days later we were talking with my nephew J who is a student at BYU. He notoriously doesn't attend all his lectures, deciding rather to attend the ones most worth his time. Dude and Luca were thoroughly scandalized - they wondered if they should alert his mother, or keep his little "secret". I assured them that his mother most certainly was aware of his propensity to skip lectures but that because he is an adult, living on his own, there wasn't much she could do about it. It turned into a good opportunity to talk about becoming responsible for your own choices and the consequences both good and bad that ensue.

When we got home from our epic spring break adventure, Matthew and I decided to be a bit more deliberate in these last few years we have with our children under our roof. My initial thought was to come up with a list of skills I thought they might need to be successful adults, but then the Spirit whispered that I should let them make the lists. So they did. And what they came up with was WAY better than the list I would have made. I really hope this new plan of parenting attack leads to some pretty great things. We are going to tackle one life skill at a time.

First up is "How to not get scammed." Let's do this.

Edit to add - 5/22/22 - So far we have done the scamming one (how to recognize and avoid them) and how to shop (how to know a good deal, a reputable store, how to return items). The kids decided they were ready for skill #3 - how to stop contentions (with yourself, with others, and between others).

We don't have anything formal set up, but we talk about the life skill from time to time when we remember. I am really loving it.

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