Friday, August 19, 2022

Art Camp

 For the last two weeks the kids have been involved in an art camp run by a lovely young women I met this summer at Young Women Camp. She lives in Monmouth. One week was for 6-9 year olds and was mostly nature crafts. The second week was geared towards 10-12 year olds and was more art theory based. I signed Luca up for the first week and Dude up for the second. It was a perfect way to spend two weeks with so little else planned. Luca could not have been more in love with camp, the young women's cat, her trampoline, the forest in her back yard, or the things she brought home. She raved about it everyday.

Dude is not one to be effusive in his praise of things apart from what he deems "cool" so art camp with four girls was not going to make the list, and yet he never complained and never gave me a hard time about having to get ready to go earlier than he would have otherwise liked so I am going to give it a big thumbs up from him as well.

Here are some pictures from either of their weeks.

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