Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Project Linus Quilts

During 2020 I made a bunch of quilts. In 2021, I made a goal to use all the scraps to make quilts for an organization that gives quilts to kids in the hospital - Project Linus. Sadly, my goal got derailed with an even worthier opportunity to make quilts for my late brother's children using his shirts. But in 2022, I got to work and made a bunch of PL quilts but then I also made a few quilts for Matthew and I, and I needed to use up those scraps as well. This week I finally dropped off the quilts. It was fun to drop off a big stack but scary that I might never know what becomes of these beautiful little babies of mine. Ah, c'est la vie. At least I have pictures of them.

I should mention that if I make a quilt, unless I know from the beginning that it is going to a new home, it is virtually impossible for me to give them away after the fact. It is like giving away my own child. While, I've never been a foster parent, I imagine the feeling is similar, I love these little guys and just hope and pray that their new homes will love them as much.

This quilt made from the scraps from the quilt on my bed was such a hodge podge. And yet it ended up being my favorite of my PL quilts and not just because I love the fabric so much. I had so many various scraps and no real idea how I was going to put it all together. But I was determined to make it big enough for a teenager so they end up with something more unique in design.

Maybe someday I'll find out what happened to them - if not in this life, than maybe in the eternities.

This last quilt wasn't a PL quilt, but rather for a darling friend who after so many years is finally giving her daughter a much longed for sibling. She isn't finding out the gender ahead of time, so was perfectly content to wait until after the baby came for me to make a quilt, but I really wanted to get it done, so this is what she gets. It will definitely stimulate that sweet babe with all of the bright colors. Again, hopefully she loves it as much as I do.

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