Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Dude Gets Promoted

 Dude got promoted today. On the wall of the gym, they posted "time capsules" of all the kids in his promotion class. As seniors, they have a day when they go back to their elementary school and walk through the halls saying hi to all their old teachers. It's really a sweet tradition, and in seven years when Dude graduates from high school, he will go back to Kalapuya and they will give him a copy of who he was as an 11-year old.

My favorite part of it is the advice he would give himself as a 40ish year old. " . . . whatever is wrong, call your parents, you dingus!!! - me" I sincerely hope he keeps that counsel.

And there he is walking across the front of the gym to receive his promotion certificate and shake his teacher's hand. Mr. Hinman has been such a perfect fit for this quirky kid. When Dude wrote a 5-page paper on Greek Mythology, because he was bored, and a subsequent google slideshow, his teacher supported him giving a 20-minute presentation to the class. His only stipulation was that it needed to be good. Even his Norse mythology and Zach mythology slideshows got class airtime. I'm grateful for his enthusiastic support. He was such a bright spot for this sweet boy. Despite Dude claiming he hated school, I know that this year was his favorite, and Mr. Hinman was his favorite teacher.

And now he's on to Middle School. Heaven help my tween of a boy.

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