Sunday, October 29, 2023

Halloween Pumpkins 2023

This October really got away from me. I worked really hard for the first two weeks and then went out of town after that. I guess we could have gone to a pumpkin patch sometime this week, but it just never happened. So Saturday afternoon, while we were out running errands, we stopped by a grocery store and quickly picked out something acceptable. Honestly, I might start doing that from now on if the kids will let me. Matthew, was infinitely happier with the arrangement as well.

Dude made me promise that my pumpkin would not be a pattern as I've done in years past. Fine, fine, fine. Matthew, who thinks Halloween is otherwise a pretty worthless holiday seems to get the most pleasure out of carving his pumpkin. So here we are, Dude's mine, Luca's (not pictured is the knife wedged in the top with pumpkin guts spewing out from the wound), and Matthew's raven.

Did I mention this month got away from me? Conference weekend I pulled out our bin with our Halloween decorations. The kids were in charge of putting them up. Luca put up what she wanted and then asked that, at some point, I get to the rest of them. Yeah, I never did. This afternoon, she took it upon herself to at least put up the spider's web. She couldn't reach with just the stepstool so I pulled out the ladder and made her put on a helmet. 

She was so scared to be so high, but I think that spider's web is pretty entertaining with her "additions". 

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