Sunday, November 26, 2023

Slipper Gets to Play

We enjoy playing Apples to Apples together as a family, and somehow, we have taken to playing while laying on the floor. Anything that can be played lying down will probably be played in the recumbent posture.

While we were playing, we noticed Luca's slipper was hanging out within our circle, and I commented that it looked like it was trying to play. Cue Dude giving Slipper its own hand to play, which was just a random card from its pile. It made the most random addition to our game, especially when it won a card. I mean, when the card is "athletic" and slipper submitted "dodgeball", it's going to win. We decided that Slipper just might have to play all the time from now on, it gives the game an extra entertainment factor that was universally amusing to all.

Welcome slipper to our game-playing family

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