Monday, August 11, 2008

Wahoo for not being Prego!!

First off I should say CONGRATULATIONS to the hundreds of friends I have who all happen to be pregnant now at the same time! I promise, I really am excited for you!!

With that said, I should also say that I am not. Sunday was a really hard day for me. But I have decided that it is a thing of the past. I quit being sad about not being prego. Blegh. I am turning over a new leaf. For every month I'm not pregnant I am going to treat myself to something fun. Tomorrow, for instance, I think I'll go and get a mani/pedi. Maybe next month will be a trip to Seattle to visit friends. I want to be able to look forward to something fun, even if it's not being pregnant. So if anyone has any ideas of a few months of fun things to do I would love to know what they are!!


Christy said...

Go out to dinner and eat something really garlicky and/or fishy with some broccoli on the side. then finish it off with something really, really chocolaty. Cuz those are all things that will probably make you sick when you are pregnant and you can't eat when you are nursing. Not that I'm bitter or anything. Did I tell you? I ate a bunch of brownies and then fed Charlotte. She wouldn't go to bed and was really twitchy for a while. I think the caffeine and sugar really did a number on her.

Claudia said...

Do anything that gives you cause to run and/or jump, sleep/lay on your stomach AND your back, touch your toes a few times, buy cute new outfits that DON'T involve an elastic waist and tops of tent-like proportions, and for heaven's sake, don't feel guilty about mood swings and hormonal changes, 'cause when you're prego, they DON'T GO AWAY!! Other than that, just enjoy the fact that you can pick up and go out with your sweetie any time you want. I'm not complaining here...just realizing that our dating life will drastically change in a few short months!

Jen and Alec said...

Definitely plan a fun date that you would not be able to do with kids--we now appreciate those movie nights we took for granted. That being said, I am sorry you are having a difficult time. Eric and Lily both required, ummm, interventions to get here, so I remember those feelings. It is almost impossible not to get your hopes up. Good luck!

Sara said...

Thanks everyone!!

Hey Jen. Maybe when you get a chance you can talk to me about your "interventions".

The StaceNeedle said... already had the idea, but I'm backing it up!