Sunday, December 19, 2010

Hair Flowers

I think I might be a little late to the hair flower fad, but that's not kept me from jumping in head first. Case in point (see above picture).
To say thank you for tieing my friend's quilt she had me pick out some flowers so she could make them into hair accessories. I enthusiastically picked out the above flower realizing, at the time, that it is very large; but somehow now, seeing it on my head, it makes me laugh at my own exuberance. Do you notice how it takes up half my head in all of its fiery glory? I defy anyone to have a bigger hair flower in their collection. Now I can compete with the other girl babies at my parent's church who make sure everyone in a hundred yard radius know they are of the feminine persuasion.


Michael Asay said...

"Big" doesn't even come close to describing that ornament. If you wear that around Ian, be careful :)

Natalie said...

My idea is for you to put it on your bike helmet.

...Then hide a helmet cam in it, and send me footage from a top secret mission.

ME said...

I actually tried it on at the parents house. I couldn't get it to stay in my thin hair. It was too heavy and just kept falling out.