Monday, January 8, 2018

The Quarantined House

Last week, Matthew and I agreed that I should go with my sister Melissa to Idaho to drop her daughter Emmalee off at BYUI. When I got home yesterday, I found out my daughter had been throwing up the night before. Within the hour, Boy Howdy started throwing up as well. And then later that night Matthew decided he was feeling ill as well (though his poor body has forgotten how to purge through vomiting).

I am thankful to come relieve him of his duties and take over the second shift as it were. Thankful that I am not sick myself so I better care for them. Thankful to have come off of a weekend away so I am ready and eager to play mama again.

Today the house is very quiet. Actually pretty nice. I went around the house and found everyone either asleep or too lethargic to do much of anything. I had to document.

On a side note, Boy Howdy who screams in pain at the slightest provocation is utterly stoic when throwing up. He threw up every twenty minutes for something like three hours with not so much as a whimper. I am kind of incredibly impressed.

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