Friday, March 30, 2018

I Know My Heavenly Father Loves Me

Yesterday, I found out that the appraiser who came to value our house, appraised it for $14k less than we were hoping. I was deflated, but knew everything would work out as it was supposed to. I was zen. My realtor advised me to wait to see what move the buyer made before doing anything ourselves. Good counsel. Today, the buyer had a long talk with their realtor and decided to appeal the appraisal. We should find out in a few weeks the results of the appeal.

Today, after working like crazy all week, on our last day of spring break, I decided to be a nice mom and take my babes to the cool park thirty minutes away. While I was there, I found this little number - a 5-leaf clover.

I have only ever found one other 5-leaf clover and that was amidst the drama of selling our last house. I don't know if you know this about me but I have a special relationship with clovers, four leaf, and I guess now five leaf as well. I am always looking for them. I don't always find them, but I can't help at least glancing down as I pass.

One time I found one that was the size of my hand. I decided Matthew could use some extra luck so I taped it to the steering wheel of his car. Even though it was brown and old, it stayed on that wheel for the next several years until I forced him to let me take it down.

In the last few years I only seem to find them when under some sort of stress. They seem to be Heavenly Father's little reminders that He is aware of me and actively working for my good. As I mentioned before, I found the last 5-leaf clover when we were in the midst of selling our PA house. Our house had been on the market for multiple weeks and we were really getting desperate to get an offer. We got one on the day I found that clover. It wasn't remotely a good offer, but it was still an answer to prayers.

When I found this 5-leaf clover I instantly knew that Heavenly Father wanted me to know how much He cared for me and my little family. I feel peace that He is once again actively working for our good.

Update: Our appeal has been approved and we are selling our house for what we hoped. Hallelujah.

Side note: A few days after finding the clover, I was telling my Sister-in-Law about it and she said that I found the clover because I was looking for it. At first I felt like she was trying to rob me of my intimate moment with my Heavenly Father. But I think she meant that I was actively looking for that reminder of His love and so of course He blessed me with it. My Heavenly Father loves me and I am so thankful for His personalized ways of showing me.

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