Thursday, June 14, 2018

Alien - the Plant

We have a plant growing in our house, or rather we did until I dismembered it's tentacle-esque vine.

I was walking through my room and noticed a little pale green something sticking out of my vent. My first inclination was to blame the kids for having stuck one of their legos into my air vent. But upon closer inspection I realized it was a plant. A plant that started from the outside of my house and had made it's way under the foundation wall and up through the dark crevices of my crawl space and into my room.

Strangely it felt a little creepy pinching off the growth. As if I almost expected it to squeal and wriggle from the operation.

Thankfully nothing has grown back. Even the outside plant, finally seems to have met it's doom (after unrelentingly growing about a foot each day).

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