Tuesday, June 19, 2018

End of the Year Water Balloon Fight

 As the end of the school year approached I asked Boy Howdy how he wanted to celebrate. He decided he wanted a water balloon fight. Great idea - especially now they make water balloons that are quick and easy to fill. But, did I mention that it has been a cold start to our summer? Too cold for swimsuits and getting wet. Not too cold  to fill up some balloons and let the kids throw them around. My dad was visiting and decided to play catch with Boy Howdy and his balloons. The result was a little too entertaining not to document.

Finally a few days later the weather warmed up enough to merit the official initiation of summer vacation. In true water balloon fight fashion the hundreds that I blew up and which filled several bins, were spent within minutes. But the kids still seemed to have a grand old time. Yay summer!!

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