Sunday, May 12, 2019

Mother's Day 2019

I really love the mother's day gifts the kids made in school this year. Coupons for nice things like lots of hugs and kisses, breakfast in bed, help making dinner, and getting flowers. I love the enthusiasm my children have for mother's day at this age and their desire to make me feel special. I have already had the chance to use two coupons for a back and foot massage.

A few years ago I didn't understand why mother's day had turned into celebration of womanhood instead of a tribute to the unique role that mother's have in their children's lives. But recently I have recognized that while a mother's role is divine, there are many women who have the opportunity to nurture others that don't employ that title for them. And maybe those women will never be identified by those whom they love, but that doesn't mean God doesn't acknowledge their Christ-like service.

For me, I am forever indebted to my own mother and the miracles she has performed in my life; for the strong woman she has helped me to recognize in myself. I am thankful for her tireless love and service on my behalf. But I am also thankful for the Seminary teachers, Young Women leaders, Relief Society Presidents and women friends who have nurtured me in a way specific to their unique talents.

Women can be pretty awesome.

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