Monday, September 2, 2019

Last Camping Trip of the Summer

While we were cuddling this morning, Boy Howdy expressed the desire to go camping one more time before school started. With two days before school started, I wasn't interested in fulfilling his dream, but didn't squash it out of hand so I let him continue. He proceeded to request we put the little up in his room for him and his sister. Relieved, I happily acquiesced. "Yes, lovey boy, you and your sister can have one last sleepover in your room." 

Thankfully, the tent fit into his room without having to rearrange any furniture. The kids were so excited about sleeping in the tent together that I had to shush them at 10pm when I went to bed. In true sleepover fashion I told them they needed to quiet down and if I needed to come in again, there would be consequences. Oh how I love these two and their love for each other.

P.S. One Sunday a week or so ago, during our "Church at Home," we discussed how we are all important members of our family. I asked Boy Howdy if our family would be better without his sister. He instantly and emphatically said, "no," (to my thankful relief).

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