Saturday, June 6, 2020

Doodah Is Baptized

Baptism day! I think it went just about as well as we had hoped. We ended it up doing it in Springfield with my brother's son C since he had pushed off his baptism because of Coronavirus and was going to be getting baptized on the same day. Salem is still under a pretty tight lock-down and baptisms are pretty limited guest wise compared to Springfield. For those who could make it, they could join the baptismal services in person. For those who couldn't there was a Facebook livestream.

Matthew wore a baptismal jumpsuit that was made for a man MUCH tubbier than him. Doodah looked like his suit was made in the 70's complete with chunky collar and over-sized pockets. They were both equally comical.

Charlotte's mother gave the baptismal talk and my mom gave the talk on the Holy Ghost. John and I stood as witnesses for Doodah and C's brothers A and J acting as witnesses for C. Doodah got to be baptized first of the two boys. He was SOOOO excited to be in the font with Matthew. He had a big grin on his face from beginning to end, even while he was being dunked. I thought it funny that even with all the practicing he and Matthew did this week he still forgot to plug his nose. He didn't seem phased by it. Matthew mentioned that he tried swimming out of the font when they were through. Oh that silly boy. 

Doodah said later that he was "happy happy" after his baptism. "Not spiritually happy, just happy happy." He also said of his confirmation that he felt like he was drifting into clouds and that it felt like a refreshing drink. I'm guessing that's a good thing.

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