Saturday, June 20, 2020

Chewkie Hikes with Grandpa

From my dad (Grandpa Booren):

Saturday afternoon Chewkie said she would like to go for a hike with me and specifically mentioned a small Audubon Society nature park down the hill from us. I think we hiked every inch of the trails at that park and then noticing we still had some time left, we drove over to the Orchard Hills Park and found more hiking and playing to do. We both very much enjoyed ourselves. She likes to hike and so do I. Unfortunately, my selfie lens on my phone seems to be blurred for some reason, but I still think these pictures tell a good story.


Mom edit. my favorite picture is this last one. 
The other day, Chewkie asked me to take her and the neighbor girl on a walk. True to her style, Chewkie wanted to "bless" every puddle she found with flower petals, hide in every patch of tall grass, and look for caterpillars every chance she got. Her little friend got a little frustrated with her style of walking. "Tell me about it kid," I told her. And yet as much as I would love for my daughter to move it along sometimes, I really love that she unabashedly forces everyone around her to slow down and find the simple joys in life. Keep being you little heart.

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