Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Chewkie Turns 7

This cute little girl who radiates joy and kindness turned 7 today. She liked the activity we started for her brother so much that it may become a new tradition. We hid a bunch of gifts around the house and as soon as she woke up she ran around with her brother finding them. Afterwards she got dressed in the dress her grandmother gave her and even let me french braid her hair in not one but two braids. It may have been a first.

For her birthday we invited a couple of her friends over for a birthday playdate (complete with birthday pinata) and enjoyed a beach-themed ice cream cake. After the party Grandma Booren, Chewkie, and I drove up to the Outlet Mall to buy Chewkie a new Build-a-Bear. The plan was to get sushi on the way home (this girl LOVES her crab sushi) but Matthew had a crazy day and wouldn't have been able to enjoy it so this sweetness agreed to settle for Taco Bell with the promise of crab sushi tomorrow.

It may not have been quite the production that her brother's birthday was but she still a happy little girl. Oh how I am grateful Heavenly Father saw fit to bless me with this little sunshine. She gives and serves and loves so completely that I am often struck by her gift. Matthew says she is just about the happiest person he has ever met. We are so lucky to call her ours for eternity.

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