Saturday, August 29, 2020

The Backyard Project Part 2

We have worked so hard to get all the dirt, gravel, and now bricks into our backyard. Matthew, especially, worked diligently at that gravel making sure it was level and packed down. We have noted many times how neglected our workout equipment have become with the advent of this project.

This weekend was the beginning of the brick and paver work. Matthew, my dad, brother Phillip and I (but mostly Matthew) worked so hard on that wall, complete with pulling out my high school geometry skills not used in as many years to make sure our angles at the corner were just so. We were so proud of that wall and it gave us the confidence to start on paving our new patio.

That's all of the pavers we were able to lay but it is still amazingly satisfying to see that much done and imagine how amazing the rest of it will look.

Shoutout goes to our generous neighbor who lent us his masonry saw.

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