Saturday, October 31, 2020

Halloween 2020


Today the families with young children in our cul-de-sac made up activities for the kids to do during our afternoon Halloween party. It was super low-key but I think the kids still enjoyed it. Doodah and Chewkie put candy in bags that I hid around the cul-de-sac (think of easter egg hunt but with ziploc bags instead of eggs). We also tried having the kids eat caramel popcorn balls off a string but only my children were willing to do that. Another family made small ghost cups filled with candy while someone else had pizza and coloring. Everyone brought candy or treats of some sort and everyone took turns pushing Chewkie around in the wheelchair my parents leant us.

Doodah was still a bit disappointed at not being able to go trick or treating so I gave him the job of coming up with some other options to make it better. He decided to put candy in every door at which he and his sister trick or treated (completed with saying the words, "Trick or treat" and "Thank you! Happy Halloween!"). I was surprised that he was okay with this kind of option, but I think being able to put more candy in his bag was all he really cared about. 

His other activity was hiding candy in a cup and then playing Three Cup Monte. Everyone took a turn making everyone else guess. Good family together time. After dinner we pulled our pumpkins inside our house, lit them up and then watched a Halloween movie by pumpkin light. 

Even without the hours of trick or treating, I think it was still a good Halloween.

P.S. The kids pictured above weren't all the ones there, but they were the only ones around at picture time. Note Chewkie holding onto the toddler to get him to stay in the shot.

Also note that I gave Doodah my camera to get a picture of the moms. Thank you my son who thought he had gotten 5 or 6 pictures but really only managed this highly unflattering one.

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