Saturday, July 3, 2021

Camping with Friends

Monday night I was texting a darling friend about getting together. Our kids like each other fine, but I think she and I get along better. Either way she had no such time for us that week. Until, that is, she invited to join her camping trip that Thursday through Saturday with her and her son. She had planned on taking her daughter and friend but when the friend couldn't come her teenage daughter also declined. Which meant I had no time to say anything but YES. Luca had asked to go camping sometime this summer but in Oregon, if you don't want to sleep in a campsite by a highway, you have to book 6 months in advance. I had done no such prep work for my dear daughter so I was more than happy to tag along with someone who had, especially since it meant we got to camp at the coast.

We packed our tent and some chairs and food and off we went. The weather wasn't balmy by any means but with just a light jacket we were perfectly content. We went on the nature walk around our campsite, played at the beach, enjoyed lots of campfire time, played games, and chatted with our fellow campers.

Saturday as we were leaving we finally got around to taking some pictures. Don't let those boys faces fool you, they loved it all, they are just stinkers for the camera. Thank you Emily for letting us join you on your adventure. When ever you need a last minute camping companion we are at your service.

P.S. Matthew spent almost the entire time we were gone helping his brother and very pregnant wife move.

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