Saturday, November 6, 2021

Monopoly Milestone


I love my children, I love playing games with them but there are games I would much rather play with them than others. Chutes and Ladders, Life, and Monopoly are all games I would be ok not having to play again. 

With Chutes and Ladders, we started playing the repentance version where you only went down any given slide once. If you landed on it again, you didn't have to re-slide since you had repented of your mistake which includes forsaking that particular sin. It made what sometimes feels like an interminable game into something slightly more tolerable.

Life isn't so bad but the hard feelings when someone is making way more money than another person or someone gets to steal your coveted salary card, was just too much drama. Our main rule with this game was having to know how to read before you were allowed to play.

Monopoly is another one of those quintessential interminable games. I'm not sure I've ever played this game with my children without a 30-45 minute time limit. At that point we have two winners, the one with the most money and the one with the most property. Even with that I feel like mother of the year every time I play. The set up and take down alone make it a difficult one with children. 

This morning, the babes opted to play by themselves. They didn't even me if I wanted to join them. I cannot begin to describe just how joyful this made me. I immediately grabbed my phone to document this important milestone. So happy!

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