Friday, November 11, 2022

Luca Puts on Makeup


Luca has long been interested in makeup. A few years ago she started using my old stuff, and then shortly thereafter, got her own set of brushes and eyeshadows. She gets it out from time to time and puts some on, generally right before bed. It's generally pretty silly so I've never thought too much about it.

Lately, her makeup, has turned from odd to a little creepy. Last week she put fake bruises on her arms and shadow under her eye to make her look tired. She might have even gone to school like that. Today she put on makeup to make her look like she had been in a fight. I think it looks kind of cool, and I love her independent, creative soul. But then she went to my mom's house while Matthew and I went shopping to spend my birthday money and my mother took them to McDonald's for lunch. While she was there our neighbors saw her and were concerned about her. was she ok, had something happened they wanted to know?

Once Matthew and I knew she was drawing concern from friends and probably strangers we had to limit her makeup choices to the house. Matthew had to explain that people might get the wrong idea and think we were abusing her if she went around with fake cuts and bruises on her body. She reluctantly agreed. I hope she continues though. I hope she explores this fun side of her some more. It's fun to see what she comes up with.

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