Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Luca is a Chicken

Once a year, on the last day of school before Christmas break, the kids are allowed to wear their PJs to school. This day, rivals field day, thanks in no small measure to this great privilege. Luca found these online after being inspired by the onsies the characters were wearing in The Bad Guys Movie. She found the chicken PJs and instantly knew she had to wear them for PJ Friday. They were $30, an amount she didn't have and wouldn't have for at least a month without doing extra chores.

And then fate stepped in and someone from church asked if she could watch after her cat while she went out of town for Thanksgiving. We went over to her house to meet Michi the cat and find out what this woman wanted Luca to do. Luca played it very cool, but as soon as we left she exclaimed that this was just about the best job she could ever have. One week later, and many dutiful trips to care for Michi, she paid Luca all the money she was going to need to be a chicken. I think Luca wore her PJs every day after school for a week.

I am so happy that she is learning to work for what she wants. 

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