Saturday, July 22, 2023

Camping with Friends

Have I mentioned I am grateful for friends who plan camping trips and then invite my kids and I to join the fun? My darling friend Emily, once again, let us tag along on their camping adventure to Beverly Beach. The kids were only too happy to say yes, and I was happy they were happy. 

We drove out Thursday afternoon, just barely missing a returning Matthew from his business trip earlier that week. We got there in time to set up camp, make dinner, and then start our first fire. 

The next morning started cool but sunny and everyone had different ideas for what they wanted to do. Emily came up with the brilliant idea of putting everyone's choices into a pile and taking turns drawing them out. We went for a bike ride. We played on the beach, played games back at our campsite and we went for a nature walk through the woods (that one was my idea). Halfway through the walk, we came upon this beautiful nature surprise. What a fun gift someone took the time to give us. 

I had cut a bunch of wood, but was trying to conserve it for our whole trip. We managed to enjoy ourselves, but after that first night, I decided we needed to do camping up right and bought more wood. Emily and Luca also went and got a bunch of driftwood for our fire. Between what I bought, what I brought, and what they collected, we managed to have a raging fire that threatened to burn off more than a few hairs.

The next morning Luca and I left early so I could get to a wedding. Turns out the boys and Emily had another raging fire with the remaining wood, yet more driftwood and extra firewood from a neighboring camp. All hail camping adventures with friends.

P.S. A fun Dude creation.

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