Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Unique Position

Have you ever gotten the question, "How was your week? Busy?" And you've wanted to say yes, because that seems to be the socially acceptable answer but had to respond with, "No, not really." Busy I mean. Everyone around me seems busily humming around caring for homes, jobs, church callings, children, bodies, etc. while I seem to find myself in this uniquely serene environment where I sort of do a lot of different things that make me happy.
  • I work twenty hours a week which gives me just enough work to not feel like a complete slacker.
  • I take care of my home. But let's be honest, when your home is a two-bedroom apartment and you're only cleaning after two semi-tidy adults, it doesn't take that much doing.
  • Hmmm . . . I have a church calling - Gospel Doctrine Teacher - but with the lessons fairly well laid out in the manual, even that doesn't take tons of preparation time. It's a matter of reading the scriptures and picking out the questions from the manual you like the best (er, I mean, the spirit tells me I should ask). So far I like being the Gospel Doctrine Teacher. We have good class participation, a low bar for what makes a good teacher (does that sound bad?), and best of all, we talk about what interests me in the scriptures.
  • I don't have children, but as a reminder, I do go to play group. So when I do have children I'll already be in the habit. See, I'm thinking ahead.
  • And as for my body, I think I'm eating better now then ever since we're eating at home and I'm actually cooking meals, practically every night. Whew. I know. Who knew Sara had so much potential. And I'm even starting to venture out and make new things like Lasagna. Or, I will be making Lasagna (any good recipes please send my way). It's on our dinner calendar for Sunday. Again, dinner calendars. Who knew how much more I would like cooking now that I have a dinner calendar. Not making a decision every night at 4:30 is so much better for my psyche. Sorry tangent. Back to my body. I'm not working out, but I am walking pretty much every morning for at least an hour. Not tons, but enough that it seemed to make my massage therapist happy. She even mentioned how toned my legs were. Yeah, it helped my ego.

I've tried going to different learning centers to try to be a volunteer tutor but either they don't seem interested or they appear interested and then don't reply to my background check. I never thought getting a volunteer position would be so difficult.

But anyway, my sister asked me this morning what I've been up to. I had to tell her not much. I lead a fairly simple existence. Lots of walking, reading, cooking, cross stitching (Megan, your present is looking great), and play time with my husband. So if you need anything made, now is the time to ask.


Claudia said...

Dinner calendar? And it makes preparing dinner easier than deciding at 4:30 pm (yes, I do that pretty much every night)? I need to start one of those! And you have a massage therapist? As in REGULAR massages? You are living the life! Although between the reading, cleaning and lesson preparation (okay, who am I kidding--I teach the 7 year olds, so basically I just need to look and find what crafty stuff I need for the activity part of the lesson), our lives sound pretty much the same! Glad to know someone else out there can, um, understand me...

Deanna said...

an and I use the lasagna recipe on the back of the pasta box, but I do suggest using the flat soft noodles instead of the usual ones with the wrinkly edges. Also if you want dinner ideas, Dan and I have a word doc of recipes that we use for dinners on a regular basis that I can send.

Sara said...

Claudia, Heavens no I don't get regular massages. My back had been bothering me so I went in. Once, I promise.

Nichole said...

I get a massage monthly...I find nothing wrong with it :) Someone said their back stopped hurting once they started doing pilates. Maybe you should walk over to the library and check out a DVD.

I find nothing wrong with your life. Enjoy it while you can!

The StaceNeedle said...

so girl, I just hung out with Lindsey this weekend and she had every good thing to say about walking and how it IS a major work out if you do it right and long enough. Don't sell yourself short...or at least call and talk to her if you want to feel better about your exercise of choice. Why do you have a massage therapist?

Sara said...

Thanks Stace!!