Monday, September 13, 2010

Done with Downers

I am so done with feeling sorry for myself. I'm done with temper tantrums and funks and self-recrimination. I am eager to start a new week with the new gorgeous day. So to counter my series of I hates, here is a brief list of I loves.
  • I love coming home to a quiet apartment after teaching seminary. I love taking a nap, preparing my lesson for the next day and only then feeling ready to tackle whatever else I need to do with my day.
  • I love having plenty of work to do so as to keep Matthew and I fed and housed.
  • I love beautiful weather and being able to get out and enjoy it.
  • I love a husband who supports even failed efforts at dinner, and the re-tries that come out only moderately better.
  • I love visiting teaching and the promise of fabulous new relationships with wonderful new women. Especially when, at first glance, we have very little in common.
  • I love a Heavenly Father who comes to the rescue when I seem to be at my lowest.
  • I love my family, but I especially love my sisters and the evolution our relationships have undergone as we've grown up.
  • I love having a medium to express my thoughts where, even though it's completely public, I feel completely secure.

Thanks everyone for your love and support, even if I don't know who you are.

1 comment:

Skip said...

Well Good Daughter,

I love your blogs, your candor, and your humor. And I love you.

