Thursday, March 23, 2017

Boy Howdy Wants to Grow Up

This afternoon, the kids and I were cuddling on the couch. I was holding my little girl cutie face and her smile just intoxicated me. I can't imagine life without that little smile. I pulled her into my arms and told her that if I held on to her forever she wouldn't grow up. Boy Howdy didn't seem convinced of the idea. She has to grow up. She's going to turn 4 on her next birthday. "Nope, I told him, "if I don't let her go, then she'll stay little forever." Cheeks started squirming in my arms and Boy Howdy cheered his fate of being able to grow up, go to high school and someday be a dad (I'm still not positive that he knows of any other thing to be when he grows up and I am not about to disabuse him of it). Finally I let Cheeks go and caught the Boy in lieu of his sister. "Ha ha ha, now you can't grow up. You have to be my little boy forever," I told him. At first I'm pretty sure his cries were fake, but eventually they became very real. "But I want to go to high school!!" he wailed. With a little more convincing, I eventually let him go.

I signed Boy Howdy up for Kindergarten a few days ago, and while the experience wasn't emotional for me, it was surreal and has started me realizing just how little time I have left with them in this beautiful stage of life before everything changes forever. I'm not ready.

Cheeks sleeping at the bottom of her brother's bed. The night before, she was sleeping on the floor right next to it. I guess she loves him.

1 comment:

Skip and Emma Booren said...

Sweet and wonderful Daughter,

How I love you and your family and appreciate your blog. Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful thoughts.

With all my love,