Saturday, May 20, 2017

The Great Garden Experiment 2017

This is the second year we've had a garden. Last year we learned a few things that we wanted to incorporate into our experiment for this year. Namely, we learned that tomatoes take up A LOT of space and basically need their own box. So I bought another box and we finally had a sunny day to plant. Yay to a second year of growing and reaping where we sowed!

This year we planted, snap peas, pumpkin, cucumber, corn, watermelon, tomatoes, and peppers. I picked a few things and let the kids pick three plants of their own choosing.

This year, as last year, I am grateful we have the means to provide for ourselves so that our garden is a fun experiment and not the means for eating for the summer and into the winter. I'm just not prepared for that work nor that stress. Let the Great Experiment Begin!!

Edit to add: Our watermelon and two-thirds of our peas have already passed on, so I had to replace them with a new watermelon plant and a cantaloupe.

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