Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Chewkie Takes Jazz

A year and a half ago I put Chewkie in a ballet class. She loved it, and I was proud of the progress she made, but somehow I never thought ballet really fit her quirky and energetic personality. So after the term was over, I enrolled her in the studio's brand new tap class. I really loved not having to get her into a specific outfit, she loved not having to have her hair in a bun. But, for anyone who has ever seen my daughter she is almost ALWAYS on her toes, making tap moves really difficult for her.
She wanted to quit and go back to ballet, but then . . . the studio started a jazz class for her age group. Perfect.

We were both excited for this compromise between the two disciplines. Today she started. She is only one of two little girls in her class so hopefully more kids sign up, but here's hoping she's found her dance style.

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