Friday, September 4, 2020

Backyard Project Part 3

More work on the patio this week. Between Matthew, my dad, and I we got the rest of the pavers in. (Shoutout goes to the Jones boys who so manfully moved the pavers from the driveway to our backyard. Side note - we can now park on our driveway again!!) So much work. So many steps taken. So many muscles built. At the end of each day we just stood marveling at what we accomplished. So satisfying.

Here is our mostly finished patio. We still have more plants to put into the ground, caps to put onto our columns and some work cleaning up our edges but we are done. It feels so good to be done and not have to spend every waking moment being productive outside. We have been so neglectful of our children that this next week we want to celebrate with a "Last week of summer awesomeness!"

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