Sunday, September 6, 2020

Coronavirus Pluses

Last summer I woke up in the middle of the night with the thought: "Be prepared; things are going to start happening. It's going to be ok. Your family will be better for it and you will know that I am aware and actively engaged in your lives. I have had other experiences (a few months before I met Matthew and again a few months before I started finding out about all the things keeping me from getting pregnant) with waking up in the middle of the night with very distinct promptings so while I wasn't quite sure what to make of this thought, I had a history of seeing them happen in pretty amazing ways.

But then nothing happened. At least not that I could discern. I took my concern to the Lord in December but the answer was the same: just wait and be prepared for change. And now over a year after that initial middle-of-the-night thought I have these musings I wanted to share.

Between Coronavirus and distance learning and distance seminary, I think I have enough change Heavenly Father promised me last summer and had me prepare for at the beginning of the year. I am done looking for additional change in the form of breast cancer (I needed several scans and a biopsy to finally tell me I was fine - it was nerve wracking) or a new job. And so far Heavenly Father has blessed my family because of it. 

Matthew is more tuned in and concerned about what is happening in the lives of his children. I have found worthwhile projects to keep me moving forward in positive ways. The kids feel less entitled to going on adventures every day. We finally got around to doing something with the backyard that has plagued Matthew's psyche for a while now (that was partially financed due to refinancing our house and the subsequent two-month hold on mortgage payments). 

We've managed to stay kind and happy despite the stress around us. Our family is surviving and managing to (while I wouldn't use the word "thrive") grow closer together. I am truly grateful for how well life has gone over the last six month. We have been immensely blessed.

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