Sunday, May 30, 2021

Birthday Boy

I now have a 9-year old son who is loving his new independence walking to the mailbox on his own. I love how much he still wants to be obedient and the thought of overextending his privilege without parental consent never enters his mind. It doesn't. I asked. 

For his birthday he got legos and A LOT of Gravitrax to add to his collection. It was Matthew's first real experience with them and the three of us quickly fell in love. Today we had a competition to make the best (aka takes the longest) track. It was a lot of fun working togehter, giving Dude some much adored quality time.

Yesterday, after a birthday present treasure hunt (complete with rhyming clues) we had a yummy breakfast, played with his new toy and then it was off to a local waterpark. The park was not at all crowded and everyone enjoyed themselves, though Matthew was having some kidney issues that had him sitting on the side for part of the time.

After Wings and Waves Waterpark we went to Chipotle by way of a cute river ferry for an early dinner before showers and family movie night. 

I asked Dude if he would've changed anything about the day. "No," he said. He never claimed it was the best day ever but he also never once complained. A great day celebrating my sweet boy.

I love him. I love his mind, I love his efforts to be good albeit in his own unique way. I love that he wants to share what he has learned with his sister. I love that he has learned how to save up for what he wants and works hard to earn his money. But mostly I love his love for his family.

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