Wednesday, June 16, 2021

2020-2021 School Year is DONE

I never did take beginning of the year photos of my kids. The start of school was so strange and I'm not that organized, so we never got them taken. And then when they did go back it seemed too far gone. So these are the pictures, including the one of them getting off the bus. Luca finished 2nd grade and Dude finished 3rd. At the end of last school year I was so disappointed with the failure of the end of school that I had super low expectations for this year. But I was so impressed at the dedication and love of the teachers, assistants, and administrators. 

I choked up several times when, during distance learning we went over to the school to check out library books and the librarian helped my children pick out books just perfect for them. Or when assistants put in so much work to create special learning opportunities that my children truly cherished. Or the over-the-top dedication of their teachers who made the year meaningful and found a way to love my children, even via technology. Or the bus driver who made a special stop after hours so Dude could have his backpack that he'd left behind. I never want to relive this year again but I am grateful for the resilience and technical confidence my children have gained. I am indebted to the amazing Kalapuya for making a hard year a great year.


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