Wednesday, June 23, 2021

We Go to Hawaii (Part 3 - More Beach)

We spent so much time at the beach. Thankfully my in-laws live close to a great beach to swim, boat, and body surf. Luca is a water baby like her Grandpa. I'm pretty sure he loved having an excuse to go swim and be the champion Grandpa. The kids were happy to provide.

In preparation for our trip, Grandpa Marler bought an inflatable boat. We took her out on her maiden voyage with the most adventure just getting her to the beach. Unfortunately the kids and I are still awful at being on boats so the men rowed us out and then fairly promptly rowed us back in. C'est la vie. It was still a memorable adventure. And everyone was still all worn out by the time we went home.

We are so grateful for the chance we had to spend a week visiting Matthew's parents. Matthew got to live allergy free for a week (Salem is the WORST for his allergies during the month of June). We got one-on-one quality time with Grandpa and Grandma Marler. We got copious amounts of beach and adventures. We got to start actually enjoying vacationing with our kids instead of spending a week just trying to keep them entertained the whole time. Matthew and I got a night away to celebrate his 40th birthday. Matthew got a much needed reprieve from work and the kids got the best way to decompress after the most stressful school year of their little lives. Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Marler for such an amazing week.

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