Sunday, June 13, 2021

End of 2020-2021 Seminary

 Here's our class photo from our Christmas party (plus the photoshopped versions of two students who couldn't make it). Oh seminary. You were definitely different this year. This was my class for the first few months before three of them graduated in November and another 7 graduated in January. These are my seniors who I never fail to mourn at the end of each year. 

In February we went back in person because I felt my remaining students desperately needed to not be online anymore. When I approached our Stake Presidency they were sympathetic to our plight but thought we should bless the lives of more than just my remaining seniors. So instead of a handful of seniors I had them plus a handful of juniors, sophomores, and freshmen (not pictured).

It's amazing how my, and really all teachers', hearts grow to love each of our students as if they were our own children. I worry and stress when they seem to be struggling and rejoice in their accomplishments. At seminary graduation I was a wreck, especially when the Stake President told me that because of Covid I couldn't give them hugs as I helped to award them their graduation gifts.

This class, along with the underclassmen added to our ranks, stretched me in ways I didn't think possible. I learned that good information leads to good inspiration and that for me to be "sustained" by the parents of my students they need to share with me when their child is struggling in my class. I learned that seminary (not me) can truly work miracles in these teenagers lives and I am privileged to witness it at work. I learned that all students have different teaching needs and for some, online really worked. I learned that humility is something the Lord really wanted me to learn this year and He found unique ways to teach me that via seminary. And I learned that I can never serve my Heavenly Father too much because He always blesses me more than I can offer Him.

Seminary truly is a gift and this class once again proved that to me.

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