Monday, October 31, 2022

Halloween 2022

The kids have been so looking forward to Halloween this year. No Covid restrictions and no Sabbath day restrictions. Three years have gone by since they last trick or treated and they are eager to make up for lost time. They are also eager to assert their independence - they have asked to trick or treat with friends without parental involvement. Knowing they would stay in our neighborhood chock full with other kids and parents, I wasn't too worried. One mom was, so she offered and the kids begrudgingly agreed to let her tag along. They printed off a map and marked out their path. They were ready to go.

Then, at church a few weeks before Halloween, a multi-ward trunk or treat was announced and the kids asked if they could go. I have a pretty firm policy that they choose one or the other. Both means more candy for me to buy and more candy for them than they need. Dude though, ever the wheeler and dealer, asked if they could earn the privilege of doing both and I had a hard time saying no. "Fine," I said, "if you are able to deep clean your room between now and Halloween you can do both." "Deal," they said. We struck hands on the bargain and they proceeded to slowly but surely make concerted efforts in their rooms.

And here we are on Halloween. Dude is a gladiator and Luca is a Minecraft creeper. They are equipped with the Halloween bags, I made all those years ago (they said they wanted to go "classic" this year when I asked what they would be using), and an umbrella.

Our pumpkins (Dude, Luca, mine, and Matthew's is a silhouette of a cat below)

They ended up trick or treating through our neighborhood over to our church building by themselves where they trunk or treated and met up with friends.

A few hours later they made their way home blissfully happy and heavily laden with candy. They claimed multiple times to me and to their parent chaperone that this was their favorite Halloween ever. I have no doubt my babies. No go to bed so you won't be tired, grumpy kids for the next four days of school.

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