Friday, December 9, 2022

Thank You Old Shirt


In true childhood fashion, my children have taken to using my t-shirts as their favored PJs. I gave this particular one to Dude years ago and he has LOVED it ever since. It has so many holes, some stitched and restitched several times over. It is beyond soft from so many wears and washings and was just about Dude's favorite thing to wear. It was also banned from every leaving the house. No going outside in it, no taking it to Grandma's house should she invite him and his sister to spend the night. It did. not. leave. the. house.

I surely thought that this shirt, like the mounds of silicon bracelets he is collecting around his ankle, would accompany him into his teenage years. But then my opportunity came and I grabbed on tight. He came to me one evening and asked if I had any other t-shirts he could have for his bedtime attire. "Sure," I told him, "As long as you get rid of the yucky orange one first." I was actually surprised at how readily he agreed. He picked out one from my t-shirt drawer and we took some pictures to commemorate the passing of such a beloved piece of clothing.

Thank you beloved orange t-shirt for your devoted years of service to my child and me.

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