Friday, December 30, 2022

New Desks

When I decided to pick up more regular contracting hours it also came with the desire to have a desk of my own and not just any desk, but matching desks to make the room a little more cohesive. I toyed around with a bunch of options but eventually landed on the idea to take a big piece of wood and give half of it to Matthew. Matthew was using two at the time of this decision, one for his work computer and one for his personal desktop. With the new plan, he would pare down to one and pass on the old ones to the kids.

 I found a beautiful slab of unfinished Redwood out in Monmouth, took my dad out to investigate and ended up buying it. My dad offered to finish my piece of it for me as my Christmas present. I assumed he could do both, but Matthew had other plans. He's been watching a lot of woodworking youtube videos and was excited to do something more interesting with his.

He eventually ended on a river table. He watched more videos, did all the research, sanded the wood until it was absolutely beautiful, and built a frame to contain all the epoxy. His plan was to do all the work in our garage, but then thanks to our leaky pipe and the need to redo Dude's floors, we opted to move the production inside.    

This project, was definitely not without heartache for Matthew, but the results are so beautiful, especially for a first attempt. I am so proud of all the hard work he put into that table.

My desk area

Matthew's desk area

And here's the closest thing I can get to a presentable-enough-to-photograph office space. Thanks Dad for giving me such a beautiful space to start this new adventure!!

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