Saturday, December 13, 2008

Adventures in the Winter Wonderland

A few months ago I was told that it snows in Wenatchee every Halloween. No luck this year, in fact it's been mild and rainy. I was so disappointed. Well, my concern was laid to rest yesterday when it started snowing. It's been snowing all weekend and next week the only time it will be above 20 degrees will be when it's time to dump more snow.

Everything inside me says to stay indoors, make warm bread and drink hot chocolate. But I again live in an area where you're still expected to continue life as normal when it snows. This morning we had our ward Christmas party and much to my surprise everyone still came out for it. Again, I really just wanted to stay inside but the guilt inside of me attached to my party-assigned task forced me out.

The roads actually weren't that bad, and once I saw that life continues despite the snow Matt and I decided it was time to once again visit Ye Olde Leavenworth. We've been told its gorgeous this time of year and, with all the recent snow, we figured it would be deserted since it's so treacherous coming over the pass on I-90. Not only was it not deserted, it was so crowded the tour buses had to start using school buses to pack in the masses. Egads! Matt and I aren't exactly crowd people. The thought of spending 20 minutes finding parking, walking another 20 minutes to the city center and waiting another 45 minutes for a table were enough to completely kill any Christmas good cheer we were then experiencing.

So with the snow still falling along with the temperature, we decided to drag main street, see the lights of town and head back to the Wenatch. Good decision, the lanes on our local highway were getting pretty fuzzy and who knows how long it would have taken to get home had we actually tried to brave the masses.

We drove home and walked through the blizzard-esque conditions to one of our new favorite restaurants. It was touch and go there for a while but we made it there and back without falling on our faces. A skill I am proud to say I learned in college.

Anyway, my concerns turn to tomorrow and getting to church now that all the snow is starting to freeze. I'm still kind of hoping they'll cancel it but I don't think they do that sort of thing here. Wish me luck.


Phil said...

They canceled Five Oaks Ward. We didn't find out till we got there so we all took the Sacrament and came home. I knew you shouldn't have moved!

Sara said...

They canceled?!! I'm so jealous. Well maybe not. Church was especially good today, maybe as a reward for having to go out in such nasty weather.

Claudia said...

It's sooo funny to me that everything shuts down if there is so much as a hint of snow. Schools have been cancelled here all week. I think it was Wednesday night that school was cancelled for Thursday as a precaution. A PRECAUTION??? Are you kidding me? (And of course I still made it to the pediatritian's office just fine--there was no snow and no ice until way later in the day). We didn't get school cancelled unless there was a foot or more dumped overnight b/c the plows couldn't possibly get everything removed. And if there was a forecast for a lot of snow, if it wasn't there in the morning, we still went, and just hoped that we only had to be there for a half day. And they actually require chains on tires. I didn't think they did that ANYWHERE unless it was whilst driving up a mountain pass. So now you belong to the tough crowd instead of the lightweights because church wasn't cancelled. Don't be disappointed because you don't live around a bunch of wimps.