Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Just Say "You Lose!!"

My current calling at church is teaching Sunday School to 17 and 18-year olds. They are a large but generally highly entertaining group of kids. A few weeks ago we were talking about how to resist temptation and I told them about about a girl who took resisting temptation to new levels. Whenever she felt her good girl resolve slipping, like if she didn't feel like praying, she would tell herself that's just what Satan would want her to do. At this point she would counter his effects by saying with strong conviction "You lose Satan! I'm going to pray anyway!" (said with passionate karate chop motions.)

My class thought this was pretty entertaining, so I challenged them to have a "You lose" moment some time during the week. The following Sunday I got a report from one my students who found his own resolve slipping during his Statistics class. Should he or shouldn't he cheat. So in the middle of class he yells out "You lose!" My other students who happened to be in the same class all busted up laughing while the remaining students were left to wonder what in the world was going on. Now, granted, this boy might have just taken an opportunity to yell at random. But even still, my terribly profound words of wisdom will hopefully be ingrained on their young minds. At least for a few more months.

1 comment:

Emily said...

that is awesome!!!