Sunday, July 10, 2011


These pictures are probably not what people were hoping for, but hey, you get what you get and you don't throw a fit. I'll try to be better.

Fun thing about Hawaii is the beautiful and oh so fragrant flowers to be found everywhere. I love the smells of the island.

Another fun thing about Hawaii is the great hair you get after being in the ocean. Mine was pretty sweet too, especially since I have recently chopped it, but Matt's was pretty sweet too.

And finally you get my sweet as heck burn on my back, complete with the crystal clear tan line from my bathing suit straps. Can you tell that this part of my body doesn't see the sun very often? I am actually tanning up fairly nicely for my standards, but my back is one of the last acceptable places to see any daylight. Thankfully it doesn't hurt, it just looks pretty bad.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

woooooooooooooah lady that burn does not look fun AT.ALL. Bless your cotton socks. Or I guess I should say bless your slippahs now that you're back in hawaii.

love the plumeria shot. You know I havent been back to Hawaii since I moed away right after highschool graduation, and Id be lying to say I dont get wicked homesick sometimes. Well, I went to bermuda a few years ago with caleb and his family, and Im walking down the street and what do I see? A plumeria tree. sara, i could have cried. I picked a whole bunch, and their sent overwhelmed me and took me back. In fact, I think I did tear up.

Glad to hear you're having such a great summer on the island. Have fun!
