Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ingratitude is Ugly

Today I was struck by the ingratitude growing in my heart. I earnestly try to be a positive person and look for the good, but I have definitely not been as kind in my heart to certain persons as I could and should be. It made me think about how important gratitude is; how noble a virtue it is, and how truly unattractive ingratitude is. And who wants to be unattractive? So since its been a long time since I've publicly declared my blessings, here they are in no particular order.

  • I get to be in Hawaii for the summer, living rent-free, preparing very few meals, and getting to know my very kind in-laws. It's been an interesting summer, and in no way completely ideal, but when all is said and done, I am an extremely lucky chicky.

  • The beautiful Laie LDS temple is an easy and pretty 1 mile walk. The Spirit that pervades every trip has boosted me in more ways I can mention; and when I leave for home I am treated to my favorite ocean view at just the perfect time in the morning.

  • I have been absolutely blessed with work this summer. I might not have tons of time to spend at the beach but every hour I work brings me closer to my dream of easily paying for children and maybe having some fun too.

  • My husband is the best example of long-suffering patience. He is charity personified and I am grateful that despite my tantrums he still finds something to love about me.

  • When we first started out this summer, we were unclear what the Lord was thinking when he gave Matt his internship. He had absolutely nothing to do (he read SEC regs just to pass the time) and we wondered how this job was going to help him in his goals for future gainful employment. But as the summer has progressed (he only has one week left), it is now abundantly evident that this was THE perfect internship for him, if for no other reason than he has finally decided what he wants to do with himself - turns out it's banking.

  • Perfect summer temps. My family in Oregon has been hit with an extremely mild summer while my family in Virginia struggles with the opposite problem. Here in Hawaii, it is 75 - 80 degrees every day.

  • My great new pair of jeans I recently purchased that were 40% off, are the most comfortable pair I have ever worn and still manage to look ultra cool.

  • IVF tender mercies. As we start down the path towards IVF (in vitro fertilization) we have been blessed with caring nurses and doctors, discounted rates, donated drugs that cut the $4,000 drug sticker price in half, reasonably good initial testing and beyond perfect timing. While we have no guarantee this will work, at least it has been made as easy as possible. And in the meantime I am completely at peace with the choices we have made and I feel confident that whatever happens will be closely followed and engineered by a loving Heavenly Father.
Thanks for indulging me. LOVE.


Michael Asay said...

You make it sound like the weather in Oregon has been bad. It's awesome

ME said...

Who said you were ungrateful? I'll beat them up.