Friday, March 13, 2020

Crazy Hair Day 2020

These kids have been looking forward to crazy hair day at school for quite some time. I think it actually got added to our family calendar. I've always been impressed at the people who do for reals cool stuff to their children's hair.  That is not nor will ever be me. But I guess it's ok because my children generally have an incredibly low tolerance for hair modification.

Last year we quickly made hats before running out of the house. This year we added TONS of hair gel. Doodah was very pleased with the height we got on his hair and Chewkie was so happy to show everyone the water spout coming out of her head.

Definitely not Pinterest worthy by any stretch of the imagination, but they were happy and I got to seem like a cool mom. So we are calling it a total win.

I'm especially glad they were able to have today since it marks their last day of school for the next two and a half weeks (an extra week due to the Coronavirus.

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