Friday, August 6, 2021

15 Anniversary Weekend


After Megan and Collin left we quickly cleaned the house so Matthew and I could spend a few days of staycation while the kids were with my parents. We thoroughly enjoyed a few days together biking, hiking, not cooking for ourselves, and talking through life and our family. I am so thankful that this man is mine and that I am his for all eternity. I love that although neither of us look like the people we married, we still somehow like each other more now than we did when we were young, slim and had better hair.

Excerpt from Matthew's anniversary love letter: "You and the kids are the reason I keep trying hard to work, serve in the Church, and interact with most human beings. You bring out the best in me and I appreciate it."

Even after being with each other virtually every day all day for the last 18 months, I still love hanging out with him. We were talking recently that about once a year we have an argument that we wonder how we will make it through. It lasts for a few days and then somehow we miraculously figure it out. I think because we are each as committed to our marriage as we are to each other and because we practice copious amounts of forgiveness. So no matter how frustrated we get we keep pushing through until we get to the other side. 

I am grateful for him. I am grateful for his love, his dedication, his steadfastness, and his patience with me. I am thankful that over 15 years ago I listened to the Spirit when He told me that this was the man I was going to marry. I am thankful that we made that leap of faith together and have pushed through the hard times because marriage is so much more fun than I anticipated, even with the difficult.

"Even if it was the nine-hundred and ninety-ninth of July. Even if it was August. Even if it was way down at the bottom of November. Even if it was no place particular in January I would go on choosing you and you would go on choosing me over and over again. That's how it would happen every time. I don't know why." - I like You by Sandol Stoddard Warburg

I love you darling heart, even when it's no place particular in January.

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