Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Cousin Time at the Lake

After family reunion, my sister-in-law Bre and I both made our way to my parent's house and were able to spend a little more time with the little cousins.

I guess my mother and Cousin E had a tradition to get milkshakes after she picked her up for preschool when they lived in the area. So, naturally since the two were together, they needed more shakes. Thankfully they let everyone else in on the treat.

 But treats aren't only at McDonalds, if you go to Grandma's, treats are on demand. Want a soda? Sure why not!!

These two. I love that the Cousin E and Boy Howdy pair up, but even more I love that Cheeks pairs up with Cousin P even though they are 9 months apart. They hugged and laughed and played even though Cousin P isn't talking and had a gimpy ankle during the trip. You'd never know it by the way they played together. Since they are the youngest, I'm grateful they have each other and Cheeks isn't just the tag along with her older cousins.

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