Sunday, May 6, 2018

Why I Love Primary

Today, while I was teaching my 4-year old primary class, the following scenario was posed:

Your mother has asked you to watch your little sister so she doesn't go in the street but your friends come by and want you to play with them. How can you follow Christ's example?

One answer I got was to say a prayer for little sister so she will be safe and then leave with friends.

I wasn't quite sure how to respond. I think after being thoroughly amused, I responded that while prayer is very important and helpful maybe there is another answer.

I don't think I would ever believe myself capable of loving this calling as much as I do. It helps that I get to teach my daughter and her peers whom I have gotten to know over the last two years of being part of the ward. They are an active group of kids, but I loved them even before I became their teacher.

In the last few weeks, a recent Church-wide policy of having two-deep leadership in all primary classes has been implemented. I've had guest adults grace our class but today we sustained a whole cadre of new primary teachers. I was unexpectedly touched by it all.

When I first heard the news I thought that it probably had to do with protecting children from potential abuse. And maybe that is part of it. But I also felt prompted that the Lord wants these children to succeed. For a long time there have been two or three leaders for each youth class. It only makes sense that as the Lord hastens his work on the earth He wants the primary children just as supported, loved and mentored by stalwart members of the ward who are going to serve willingly and consistently (not something primary children often get).

I have only been serving as a primary teacher for a little over a month, but I already can tell that serving these sweet children is going to bless my life immeasurably.

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