Thursday, June 19, 2008

Pie Cherries

Today I went and picked cherries. A woman at church on Sunday announced that she had pie cherries ready to be picked by anyone who was interested. So at mommy and me on Wednesday (yes I go to a playgroup even though I don't have children) I asked around and found someone who would be willing to let me tag along with them. I now have enough cherries for two or three pies. I'm so excited. While picking, the cherry woman came out to talk to us. She and the woman letting me tag along talked about their various fruit trees and the upcoming harvest!! I love this town. Maybe I'll get free fruit all summer long and bake all sorts of fun new things. Maybe I'll get fat in the process!! You never know.


Anonymous said...

Did you make that pie? It looks scrumptious. I love cherry pie too and they have awesome cherry trees in Lzyton too. I just purchased my first back. Love em, yum.
Your awesome friend jen

Sara said...

Oh heavens no. That's just some picture I found on the internet. I'll probably make a cherry pie (that won't look nearly as beautiful) this Sunday.

Nichole said...

Jen...I was wondering the same question but when I saw the snip of mint on the plate, I just didn't see Sara doing that. Funny! With all the walking you do around town, I don't see you getting fat. Nichole

Sara said...

I know right. There is no way that I would have snips of mint in my refrigerator let alone be cool enough to dress up a plate with such. But don't worry, when I actually get around to making one I'll take a picture so you can all see my "masterful" pie skills.

Anonymous said...

i'm sure the pie you'll make will be delicious :-)

Jen said...


I have a scrumptious cherry pie recipe from my mother . . . if you'd like it.

So glad you're in the blogging world.

Love you tons.