Sunday, July 5, 2009

Young Women's Camp

I've been waiting to put up this post until I got the official Camp Photo CD (since I'm awful and never actually pull my camera out of its bag) so I could upload some cute pictures of my even cuter young women but since it's been two weeks I figure now is as good a time as any to write about my week.

I went up a day early to help set up and get everything ready for the girls. So by Tuesday morning I was super excited to see them as they drove up. I had only been in my calling a couple of weeks and was anxious as well because I really didn't know the girls or the leaders with whom I would be spending the next several days. I had constantly heard of the great experience to be had by anyone who graces camp but I am prone to setting my expectations high only to be disappointed by the experience not living up to my heart's desires (i.e. every New Year's Eve for the last 15 years).

I am happy that in this instance my high expectations were met and most definitely exceeded. It started out a little rocky as I tried to find my place amongst the leaders as well as the girls. Did I really have it in me to be perky during the morning and evening sing-alongs? What was the proper protocol at bedtime? How was I to be a leader while also having fun with the girls? These were questions I struggled with all day Tuesday. But once I gave up and gave in to the power that is girl's camp I had so much more fun.

It's like going to Disney World. The first day you try to look cool and try to make yourself believe you're only there for the rides. The mickey mouse ears and goofy shirts are definitely not for you. By day three or four you've given up all pretense of cool and all of a sudden you find yourself reveling in the cheesy attire, the personal fans, and everything else that makes up the Disney World ambiance.

That's how I felt about camp. Once I gave up all semblance of respectability I found myself singing at the top of my lungs and doing all the moves to the camp theme song, putting my hair and everyone else's in pigtails, convincing them it was the thing to do, and crying like a baby at Testimony meeting. It was a beautiful experience and I am so excited to do it again next year!

1 comment:

Claudia said...

So glad you had a good time...I miss my days in YW!